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Advantages to banking in a small town

As First Keystone Community Bank (FKCB) prepares to open its 19th branch in Bethlehem, PA, we’re proud to be the hometown bank for all types of communities, from urban to rural locations. We are proud to serve communities of all shapes and sizes with an array of products that are suited to meet every need.

Many of our local communities could be described as having a relaxed atmosphere while also offering cultural and recreational activities. FKCB branches offer a full array of products and services. However, there are distinct advantages to banking in a small town in Pennsylvania.

Banking in a small town is an opportunity for banks to expand their products and services, providing credit and capital to locations that are not situated in a large city and would not otherwise have access.  Meeting the financial needs of people in all locations is a priority for community banks like FKCB. It’s banking with a purpose, and it’s one of the factors that distinguishes community lenders like FKCB from bigger banks.

One of the biggest distinctions between urban customers and smaller town customers is how they bank. While no small community is the same, the common factor is that they depend on smaller banks or branches with physical locations. That could be due to demographics or lack of internet access.

A second distinction is that customers who live in smaller towns are less likely to have credit history because it’s more difficult to acquire credit in remote locations. Therefore larger, more established lenders may not be an option, requiring customers to choose a non-conventional, more expensive alternative. A community branch could provide a solution for banking in smaller communities with physical locations that meet the specific needs of each community.

Often, a local community bank branch is the only financial institution in a large geographic area. For widespread communities that can’t rely on a “bank on every corner” scenario, opportunities to access full banking services could be limited. A lack of investment and infrastructure in certain areas could make it difficult to access affordable capital, particularly for small businesses that anchor many small towns. Therefore, a community bank could be critical to the success of a smaller town and could mean devastation when it’s not there.

According to the FDIC, the country lost more than 2,500 bank branches in 2022, and 18,000 over the last decade. Without access to capital, a community loses its ability to build assets and grow generational wealth, causing it to regress.

But community banks are solid, safe, and know how to bank for their customers. Because they live and work within their communities, community banks have a complete understanding of their unique needs. The addition of technology enables banks to have a greater impact in less populated locations, allowing small businesses to be productive and thrive whether they are located in downtown Stroudsburg or on the main street in Nescopeck. It’s a new kind of banking for community banks in 2023.

For a full list of First Keystone Community Bank locations, call 888-759-22266, or visit Locations & Hours – First Keystone Community Bank (

Written by Rosemarie Stump

Rosemarie is the Sales and Marketing Coordinator for First Keystone Community Bank.

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Posted On:

February 17, 2023

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